Introducing US hosting: Expanded capabilities for data storage

At Precoro, we understand the critical importance of where and how data is hosted and stored, especially in light of evolving regulations and cultural norms in different regions. To address this and enhance our service for American customers, we launched a dedicated US Data Server.

Precoro US servers

New customers

Select the preferred server location—be it in the US or the EU—right at the account setup stage.

New customers pins

Existing customers

The Precoro team will proactively reach out to discuss your options and assist you through every step of the transition.

Existing customers pin

Uniform quality across servers

Our global standard of excellence is constant, whether you're using our EU or new US server. Enjoy the full suite of Precoro's features and functionalities, no matter where you are.

Uniform quality across servers

Enhanced data availability

The new US server means more than just proximity; it offers American customers enhanced data availability and compliance with local regulations, ideal for businesses prioritizing data sovereignty.

Enhanced data availability

No extra costs

Introducing our US server doesn’t alter our pricing. Customers gain regional advantages without extra costs, maintaining access to our top-tier service at the same great value.

No extra costs

All your questions answered

Why did Precoro launch a US-based server?

Will the US server be available to customers outside the US?

Will the introduction of the US server affect the current pricing?

How can I switch to the US server?

Will the service quality differ between the US and EU servers?

How will data transfer between the EU and US servers be handled?

Can I choose to keep my data in the EU server instead of migrating to the US?

Are there plans to open additional data servers in other regions?

Want to see Precoro in action? Easy. Here's how: